Grimoires - Grimoires - Grimoires!

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The Key of Solomon the King (Clavis Salomonis)

Book II - Chapter XVII

Book I

Chapter I - Concerning the Divine Love which ought to precede the acquisition of this knowledge
Chapter II - Of the days and hours and the virtues of the planets
Chapter III - Concerning the arts
Chapter IV - The confession to be made by the exorcist
Chapter V - Prayers and conjurations
Chapter VI - Stronger and more potent conjuration
Chapter VII - An extremely powerful conjuration
Chapter VIII - Concerning the medals or pentacles, and the manner of constructing them
Chapter IX - Of the Experiment concerning things stolen, and how it should be performed
Chapter X - Of the experiment of invisibility, and how it should be performed
Chapter XI - To hinder a sportsman from killing any game
Chapter XII - How to make the magic garters
Chapter XIII - How to make the magic carpet proper for interrogating the intelligences, so as to obtain an answer regarding whatsoever matter one may wish to learn
Chapter XIV - How to render thyself master of a treasure possessed by the spirits
Chapter XV - Of the experiment of seeking favor and love
Chapter XVI - How operations of mockery, invisibility, and deceit should be prepared
Chapter XVII - How extraordinary experiments and operations should be prepared
Chapter XVIII - Concerning the pentacles or medals
The Pentacles
How to use the Welz Chi Generator to make this extraordinary Magick even more powerful

Book II
Chapter I - At what hour after the preparation of all things necessary, we should bring the exercise of the art to perfection
Chapter II - In what manner the master of the art should keep, rule, and govern himself
Chapter III - How the companions of the master of the art ought to regulate and govern themselves
Chapter IV - concerning the fasting, care, and things to be observed
Chapter V - Concerning the baths, and how they are to be arranged
Chapter VI - Of the garments and shoes of the art
Chapter VII - Of places we may conveniently execute the experiments and operations of the art
Chapter VIII - Of the knife, sword, sickle, poniard, dagger, lance, wand, staff, and other instruments of magical art
Chapter IX - Of the formation of the circle
Chapter X - Concerning incense, suffumigations, perfumes, odors, and similar things which are used in magical arts
Chapter XI - Of the water, and of the hyssop
Chapter XII - Of the light, and of the fire
Chapter XIII - Concerning the precepts of the art
Chapter XIV - Of the pen, ink, and colors
Chapter XV - Of the pen of the swallow and of the crow
Chapter XVI - Of the blood of the bat, pigeon, and other animals
Chapter XVII - Of virgin parchment, or virgin paper, and how it should be prepared
Chapter XVIII - Of wax and virgin earth
Chapter XIX - Concerning the needle and other iron instruments
Chapter XX - Concerning the silken cloth
Chapter XXI - Concerning characters, and the consecration of the magical book
Chapter XXII - Concerning sacrifices to the spirits, and how they should be made

VIRGIN paper, or card, is that which is new, pure, clean, and exorcised, never having served for any- other purpose.

Virgin parchment is necessary in many Magical Operations, and should be properly prepared and consecrated. There are two kinds, one called Virgin, the other Unborn. Virgin parchment is that which is taken from an Animal which hath not attained the age of generation, whether it be ram, or kid, or other animal.

Unborn parchment is taken from an animal which hath been taken before its time from the uterus of its mother.

Take whichsoever of these two classes of animals thou pleasest, provided only that it be male, and in the day and hour of Mercury- ; and take it to a secret place where no man may see thee at work. Thou shalt have a marsh-reed cut at a single stroke with a new knife, and thou shalt Strip from it the leaves, repeating this Conjuration:


l conjure thee by the Creator of all things, and by the King of Angels, Whose Name is EL SHADDAI, that thou receivest strength and virtue to 5.a.y this animal and to construct the parchment whereon I may write the Holy Names of God, and that it may acquire so great virtue that all which I shall write or do may obtain its effect, through Him who liveth unto the Eternal Ages. Amen.

Before cutting the Reed recite Psalm lxxii.

After this, with the Knife of the Art, thou shalt fashion the Reed into the shape of a Knife, and upon it thou shalt write these Names: AGLA, ADONAI, ELOHI,

through Whom be the work of this Knife accomplished. Then thou shalt say:

O God, Who drewest Moses, Thy well beloved and Thine elect, from among the Reeds on the marshy banks of the Nile, and from the Waters, he being yet but a child, grant unto me through Thy great mercy and compassion that this Reed may- receive Power and Virtue to effect that which l desire through Thy Holy Name and the Names of Thy Holy Angels. Amen.

This being done, thou shalt commence with this Knife to flay the Animal, whether it be Virgin or Unborn, saying:

ZOHAR, ZIO, TALMAI, ADONAI, SHADDAI, TETRAGRAMMATON, and ye Holy Angels of God; be present, and grant power and virtue unto this parchment, and may it be consecrated by you, so that all things which I shall write thereon shall obtain their effect. Amen.

The Animal being flayed, take Salt, and say thus over it:

God of Gods, and Lord of Lords, Who hast created all things from Negative Existence, deign to bless and sanctify this Salt, so that in placing it upon this parchment which l wish to make, it may have such virtue that whatsoever l may write on it hereafter may attain its desired end. Amen.

Afterwards rub the said parchment with the exorcised salt, and leave it in the Sun, to imbibe this salt for the space of an entire day. Then take a large earthen vessel glazed within and without, round the outside of which thou shalt write the characters as seen below.

After this thou shalt put powdered lime into the vessel, saying:

OROII, ZARON, ZAINON, ZEVARON, ZAHIPHIL, ELION, be ye present and bless this work so that it may attain the desired effect, through the King of the Heavens, and the God of the Angels. Amen.

Take then exorcised Water and pour it upon the said lime, and place the skin therein for three days, after which thou shalt take it thence, and scrape therefrom the lime and flesh adhering, with the Knife of Reed.

After this thou shalt cut, with a single stroke, a Wand of Hazel, long enough for thee to form a Circle therewith; take also a cord spun by a young maiden, and small stones or pebbles from a brook, pronouncing these words:

O God Adonai, Holy and Powerful Father, put virtue into these stones, that they may serve to Stretch this parchment, and to chase therefrom all fraud, and may it obtain virtue by Thine Almighty Power.

After this, having stretched the said parchment upon the Circle and bound it with the cord and stones, thou shalt say:

AGLA, YOD, HE, VAU, HE, IAH, EMANUEL, bless and preserve this parchment, so that no Phantasm may enter therein.

Let it dry thus for three days in a dark and shady place, then cut the cord with the Knife of Art, and detach the Parchment from the Circle, saying:

ANTOR, ANCOR, TURLOS, BEODONOS, PHAIAR, APHARCAR, be present for a guard unto this Parchment.

Then perfume it, and keep it in silk ready for use.

No woman, if her flowers be upon her, should be permitted to see this parchment; otherwise it will lose its virtue. He who maketh it should be pure, clean, and prepared.

But if the preparation of the aforesaid parchment seemeth too tedious, thou mayest make it in the following manner, but it is not so good.

Take any Parchment, and exorcise it; prepare a censer with perfumes; write upon the parchment the characters below,

hold it over the Incense, and say:

Be ye present to aid me, and may my Operation be accomplished through you; ZAZAII, ZALMAII, DALMAII, ADONAI, ANAPHAXETON, CEDRION, CRIPON, PRION, ANAIRETON, ELION, OCTINOMON, ZEVANION, ALAZAION, ZIDEON, AGLA, ON, YOD HE VAU HE, ARTOR, DINOTOR, Holy Angels of God ; be present and infuse virtue into this Parchment, so that it may obtain such power through you that all Names and Characters thereon written may receive due power, and that all deceit and hindrance may depart therefrom, through God the Lord merciful and gracious, Who liveth and reigneth through all the Ages. Amen.

Then shalt thou recite over the parchment Psalms lxxii.; cxvii.; and cxxxiv.; and the 'Benedicite Omnia Opera.' Then say:

l conjure thee, O parchment, by all the Holy Names, that thou obtainest efficacy and strength, and becomest exorcised and consecrated, so that none of the things which may be written upon thee shall be effaced from the Book of Truth. Amen.

Then sprinkle it, and keep it as before said.

The Cauls of newly-born children, duly consecrated, may also be used instead of virgin parchment. Also paper, satin, silk, and the like substances, may be employed in operations of less importance if duly exorcised and consecrated.

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